Who We Are

The Harvard Undergraduate Engineering Society (HUES) promotes engineering and cross-disciplinary collaboration at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS).

We build community through mentorship activities, professional recruiting, school-wide events, and serving as a resource for undergraduate engineers at Harvard. We promote engineering and cross-disciplinary collaboration on campus through mentorship activities, community building, professional recruiting, and collaboration, and serving as a resource for undergraduate engineers at Harvard.

Meet the Team

  • Addison Liu


  • Lana Wagner


  • Roaa Marei

    Publicity Chair

  • Safaa Hassan


  • David Perez


  • Steven Choi

    Community Chair

  • Shivi Srikanth

    Mentorship Co-Chair

  • Bella Pignataro

    Froh Rep Chair

  • Elsa Oreen

    Mentorship Co-chair

  • McKenna Handy

    Community Co-Chair

  • Ruben Fonseca

    Social Chair


Career Panels & Workshops, Weekly lunches, Mentorship panels, and Engineering Formal


Our goal is to invite leaders in the field from various fields including aerospace, mechanical, software, biomedical, and electrical engineering. We want to ensure our students are engaged and know how to build a successful career. Our careers board organizes panel events with recent graduates, company representatives, professors, and graduate students to help students realize their career goals.


We host Friday lunches each week open to students majoring in engineering and applied sciences. This allows undergraduates to build a network of peers and advisors with similar professional interests.


Each year, underclassmen are paired with upperclassmen in a Big E-Little E Sibling program. This HUES- run mentorship program is a great way to meet engineers on campus and make tight-knit connections! Upperclassmen sign up to become a Big E mentor as a way to give back to the engineering community in a low-commitment, but fulfilling way! Big Es give Little Es guidance related to courses, majors, internships, and careers, creating a support system and long-lasting friendships.


This flagship event is a fun and exciting formal for all engineers to come together, dress up, and enjoy a fun night of food, fanciness, and trivia! Occurring annually at the conclusion of the spring semester, it is a way for the entire school to celebrate the year’s achievements; in particular, we highlight our graduating senior class and all their hard work for senior theses!